Friday 18 October 2013


Electric blanket is currently being used in hospitals throughout the United States, Europe and Australia. A wealth of sound medical data confirming the therapeutic benefits of sleep is now emerging.

Electric blanket permits longer periods of sleep, with less movement and fewer Re - awakening.
Electric blanket warmth works to speed relaxation, soothe sore muscles and relieve tension.

Electric blanket generally increases the ease of falling asleep.

• When sleeping on Electric blanket, patients requires less pain medication to Sleep Comfortably.

  Electric blanket sleep contributes to a more relaxed feeling in the morning and Helps reduce   morning stiffness.
Electric under blanket increase relaxation, meaning longer periods with less movement and fewer re- awakenings .
It can provide unusually helpful support for convalescents, those with painful joint It’s the gentlest and most supportive surface on which we sleep and relax, and can be heated to whatever temperature suits you best.

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